The Quick Snooker setup program installs in less than 2 minutes on any Windows PC, laptop or notebook giving you a 'Quick Snooker 8' icon on your Windows desktop for easy access with or without an Internet connection. What is microsoft excel program. Quick Snooker offers you a clear '2D', 'Top Down' view - for fast, fun 'game' type Play - or a more immersive 'first person', 3D view for more of a 'simulation'. If you just can't decide - you can also have both at one - and take shots in either view You can practise against challenging computer opponents or come and join the fun on-line where there are hundreds of players of all nationalities, ages and abilities ready for a friendly (or competitive!) game.
GameDesire – play online snooker which simulates the physics, rules and style of real life Snooker. Master the most spectacular tricks with snooker champions. Lay Snooker for free online at! Snooker can be much harder than a game of Pool. If you know which balls to aim for first you can score with high-valued balls in their right order and sequence.
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Free Snooker Game Download
This is achieved via the opponent leaving a, with the black being potted as the additional colour, and then potting 15 reds and blacks with the colours. Has the distinction of being the first player in snooker history to post a verified 155 break, achieved in a practice frame in 2005. One, from the balls in their starting position until the last ball is potted, is called a ' '. A generally consists of a predetermined number of frames and the player who wins the most frames wins the match.
Hook rest Identical to the normal rest, yet with a hooked metal end. It is used to set the rest around another ball. The hook rest is the most recent invention in snooker. Spider Similar to the rest but with an arch-shaped head; it is used to elevate and support the tip of the cue above the height of the cue-ball. Swan (or swan-neck spider or giraffe) This equipment, consisting of a rest with a single extended neck and a fork-like prong at the end, is used to give extra cueing distance over a group of balls. If not available, a regular X rest can be placed on a spider so it in turn hangs the required distance beyond to provide similar support.

Retrieved 19 March 2012. Macmillan Dictionary. From the original on 12 May 2013. Retrieved 19 March 2012. Archived from the original on 1 June 2007. Retrieved 3 May 2018.
Became the 14th in 1990 and dominated through the 1990s. Reardon won six (1970, 1973–1976 and 1978), Davis also six (1981, 1983, 1984 and 1987–1989) and Hendry seven (1990, 1992–1996 and 1999). Is the closest to dominance in the modern era, having won the title on five occasions in the 21st century (2001, 2004, 2008, 2012 and 2013).
Retrieved 26 April 2018. • 23 September 2010 at the., BBC Sport, 2 June 2010 • 16 October 2015 at the., BBC Sport, 27 November 2013 • ^ (PDF).
2014, 2016 and 2017 world champion playing a practice game Highest First played 1870s Characteristics Contact Non-contact Type Equipment Snooker table,,, triangle, chalk Venue Snooker Table Presence recognition – present Snooker (:,: ) is a which originated among officers stationed in India in the latter half of the 19th century. It is played on a rectangular covered with a green cloth, or, with at each of the four corners and in the middle of each long side. Using a and 22, players must strike the white ball (or 'cue ball') to the remaining balls in the correct sequence, accumulating points for each pot. An individual game, or frame, is won by the player who scores the most points. A match is won when a player wins a predetermined number of frames. Snooker gained its own identity in 1884 when army officer (not the of that name), while stationed in, devised a set of rules that combined and.