One of the requirements I have from the publisher is to make sure all fonts are embedded into the pdf. I am using pdflatex to convert my.tex file into a pdf. How can I check to make sure all fonts. Click the Embed all fonts option at the top. Then make sure the fonts you need to embed are on the Font Source list, and not on the Never Embed list. If your font is not on the Font Source list, try to get the font file from another computer/internet then copy it to C: Windows Fonts. Done with the configuration. Print out your new pdf file.
If you do need full embedding, be sure to not load microtype or disable font expansion. This will help a bit with the size. – Jul 19 '16 at 1:15 •.

A font can be embedded only if it contains a setting by the font vendor that permits it to be embedded. Embedding prevents font substitution when readers view or print the file, and ensures that readers see the text in its original font.
Many Open-Source licenses, like the SIL Open Font License, grant very liberal rights for the use, study, modification and redistribution of fonts. For example, the SIL Open Font License (SIL OFL) provides the licensed fonts, including any derivative works, may be bundled, embedded, redistributed and/or sold with any software provided no reserved font names are used to name derivative versions without explicit written permission from the font copyright holder.
That is contained in the XPDF-based tool collection, available here: (Download: ). If you run pdffonts.exe -f 22 -l 22 c: path to some pdf.pdf the result will show all fonts used on page 22. To see all fonts used in the complete document, just run pdffonts.exe c: path to some pdf.pdf. Airline guitar serial number lookup. Meanwhile I found a different method to list fonts used in a PDF (and indicate wether they're embedded or not), which uses Ghostscript only (no need for additional third party utilities). Unfortunately this also does NOT satisfy your requirement to learn about a font used for highlighted text. This method uses a little utility program, written in PostScript, shipping with the source code of Ghostscript. Look in the toolbin subdir for the file.